After litigating and negotiating the patent infringement and trade secret misappropriation claims alleged by Oncam Grandeye against Sentry 360, the parties have settled their differences and recognize the following separation of their respective technologies. Sentry 360 recognizes and admits:
the validity of Oncam Grandeye patents that cover (i) the use of a texture mapping feature of a 3D computer graphics subsystem, API, DLL or library, to de-warp an image captured using a wide-angle lens, and (ii) on-camera digital de-warping; that Oncam Grandeye holds copyrights in the IPIX code used for digital de-warping of fisheye images; and that Sentry 360 has been exposed to certain technical information proprietary to Oncam Grandeye through its prior relationship with Oncam Grandeye and its relationships with former employees and representatives of Oncam and Grandeye.
Sentry 360 represents that none of the hardware or software offered or provided by Sentry 360 at present or in the future contains, derives from or will contain or be derived from these Oncam Grandeye technologies, that the hardware and software provided by Sentry 360 at present was developed through Sentry 360?s own efforts, and, without limiting the foregoing, that none of the hardware or software that Sentry 360 has distributed or will distribute (including as plug-ins or SDKs) involves use of a 3-D computer graphics subsystem, API, DLL or library to de-warp an image captured using a wide-angle lens.
Based on these representations and a one-time payment by Sentry 360 to Oncam Grandeye, including some attorneys? fees, Oncam Grandeye has agreed to dismiss the lawsuit without prejudice. By so clarifying their respective technologies, the parties will compete on the merits in benefit of the video surveillance industry. The confidential settlement is mutually beneficial for both parties and their customers, and both parties are satisfied with the result.
Source: sentry360.com