Seetec Eases Stress In Parisian Car Parks

Seetec eases stress in Parisian car parks

For almost 35 years, one of the largest providers of parking places in Paris SAEMES –Société Anonyme d’Economie Mixte d’Exploitation du Stationnement– has been relieving the parking situation in the French capital’s city centre significantly, and to help them with this task the company enlisted the help of a Seetec solution.

With an increasing number of vehicles – annually more than 4-million customers use 79 car parks (22 of these are public and 57 are for residents), six park & ride spaces and a parking garage for buses – SAEMES is constantly occupied with the optimization of their services.

The focus with this project is on the avoidance of queues in front of the gates as well as on guaranteeing a high safety standard in the car parks.

With the increasing number of parking spaces, the demands on staff had increased as well and soon reached a limit.

To assist their employees and to improve the situation, the management board decided to use a video management system back in 2009. It had to be as intuitive and as easy to operate well in order to enable the desired short introduction period and subsequent smooth handling for the typically non-specialist staff.

Since no video solution had been applied before, the French Seetec office was given free reign with regard to system design. For the implementation of the central approach, only an entirely IP based video solution was possible.
