SilverShield In-app HR & Safety Resource Center Provides Support and Assistance in Creating a Security Plan

SilverShield App

SilverShield? Safety & Information Systems, providers of the industry?s most advanced cloud-based multi-platform solution, are introducing ISC West attendees to their HR & Safety Resource Center this week.

Helping to facilitate an important step in the process of securing organizations, the Center delivers what is most needed to develop and document security assessments and plans.

?Many organizations are recognizing the need to make their facilities and campuses more secure against threats and risk,? said Joe Cicini, Lead Security Consultant (former FBI), SilverShield.

For many, it can be challenging to know where to begin in auditing and analyzing their vulnerabilities. The SilverShield HR and Safety Resource Center can make the connection with a security consultant to provide guidance in determining the best solution for each individual situation.

Consultants begin by conducting a security assessment to identify and minimize security vulnerabilities. That information enables them to develop an individualized security plan to keep personnel, property and assets safe and secure.

For those organizations that have already completed a security assessment and have a security plan in place, the SilverShield HR & Safety Resource Center will help ensure that staff is properly trained in executing that plan. This includes enabling clients to include comprehensive lessons and quizzes to ensure that staff has full mastery of the plan and their responsibilities.

?Whether you have already worked with a consultant, you are working with one now, or you?re in need of one, the SilverShield HR & Safety Resource Center can deliver what you need to develop and document your security assessments and plans,? said Joe.

The SilverShield Safety and Information System is a cloud-based, multi-platform visitor management system engineered for school campus and other business facility applications.
