
Data Connectors Portland (Cybersecurity)

The Portland Cyber Security Conference features 40-60 vendor exhibits and 8-12 educational speaker sessions discussing current cyber-security issues such as cloud security, email security, VoIP, LAN security, wireless security & more. We give away numerous prizes including cash and gift cards up to $100, the latest tech gadgets and much more!

Premier CIO Forum – Portland

Attendees across the region have come to expect a dynamic agenda with relevant, up-to-the-minute topics and exciting speakers who will share their wealth of knowledge and experience, helping you gain practical insights into your business challenges. The Premier CIO Forum includes powerful keynotes, informative breakouts, discussions with subject-matter experts, and cutting-edge solution providers.

Oregon Lawmakers Propose Bill Allowing Body Cameras, Citizens Recording Police

Oregon lawmakers are working on a bill that would require the state’s police officers to wear small body cameras like the one modeled on a New York City police officer at a news conference, above. Recent high-profile police killings and the double murder of two New York City policemen have made body cameras for officers a popular idea that Oregon legislators are already moving on.

Steve Duin: Portland Police Re-Dedicate Themselves To Video Surveillance

They were walking, Bill Merritt and Peggy McClure, in the damp shadow of the communication tower atop Council Crest when they bumped into a crew laboring over a manhole and the underground fiber-optic cable that rolls down the hillside. What’s going on? they asked.  “A dedicated line,” one of the ditch-diggers said, “running from the tower down to the Portland police station.” “Great,” McClure said.  “So, that means we’ll have quicker response time on 9-1-1 calls?” Not at all, she was told. This line was dedicated to something else altogether.  “Police surveillance.  It will pick up signals from police-operated aircraft.  Which are sorta like manned drones.” Merritt and McClure have been together for 20 years and married for the last seven, most of which they spent abroad while McClure was managing Peace Corps operations in Botswana and Morocco. For all they knew, this broadband operation had already been vetted in council sessions, neighborhood meetings and newspaper columns.  “We’ve been out of the loop,” Merritt conceded. “But what are we surveilling?” Whatever strikes the fancy of Portland police, it turns out.  And once those fiber-optic connections are completed at the Portland Building, the bureau will be able to stream the video to anyone who wants it. “We do not have drones.  We are not getting drones.  Period,” Sgt. Pete Simpson insisted Thursday.  The bureau’s Cessnas, on the other hand, have been around for years:  “We use them for tactical situations.  Block searches.  Missing persons.  If we’re doing a gang cool-down […]