International Conference on International Security and Defense (ICISD) – Lisbon, Portugal
International Conference on International Security and Defense ICISD on February 08-09, 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal See more events at: https://security.world/events/ Contact URL: https://waset.org
16th International Conference on Structures under Shock and Impact (SUSI 2020)
The increasing need to protect civilian infrastructure and industrial facilities against unintentional loads arising from accidental impact and explosion events as well as terrorist attack is reflected in the sustained interest in the SUSI meetings over three decades. While advances have been made over this period, nevertheless many challenges remain, such as to develop more […]
Principles of Secure Compilation (PriSC)
Cybersecurity and cybersecurity policy means different things to different disciplines. It can involve the exploration of algorithms and technologies to secure systems, the study of how users interact with computers in order to provide stronger methods of privacy protection, the examination of digital approaches to development, how to control?through laws and technology?the growing surveillance society, […]
Principles of Secure Compilation (PriSC)
The 3rd Workshop on Principles of Secure Compilation (PriSC) is an informal 1-day workshop without any proceedings. Anyone interested in presenting at the workshop can submit an extended abstract (up to 2 pages). We will also run a short talks session, where participants get 5 minutes to present intriguing ideas and advertise ongoing work. Presentation […]
16th International Conference on Railway Engineering Design & Operation
The 16th International Conference on Railway Engineering Design and Operation (COMPRAIL 2018), is the latest in a series of very successful meetings which started in Frankfurt in 1987
4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP)
The International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy aims at creating a meeting point for researchers and practitioners that address security and privacy challenges that concern information systems, especially in organizations, including not only technological issues but also social issues. The conference welcomes papers of either practical or theoretical nature, presenting research or applications […]
BSides Lisbon
BSideLisbon is the premier technical information security conference in Portugal. It is a community organized, not for profit, conference started in 2013 and is now on its 4th edition, providing opportunities for individuals to both present and participate in an intimate atmosphere that encourages collaboration. It is an intense event with discussions, workshops, and interaction […]
M3AAWG 40th General Meeting
M3AAWG meetings, which are open to members only, are multiple-track events held three times a year and generally attended by more than 300 participants. Leading industry experts, researchers and public policy officials address such diverse topics as bot mitigation practices, social networking abuse, mobile abuse and pending legislation. Each four-day meeting is an exceptional opportunity […]
2017 European Security Conference
The nature and scope of the Information Security field is evolving. We are no longer are we just concerned with protecting the technical edifice. Our emphasis has become more holistic, and we tend to consider both the organizational and technical aspects of information protection to be equally important. The European Security Conference provides a forum […]
ICISSP 2017(ICISSP -2017) 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
The International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy aims at creating a meeting point for researchers and practitioners that address security and privacy challenges that concern information systems, especially in organizations, including not only technological issues but also social issues. The conference welcomes papers of either practical or theoretical nature, presenting research or applications […]
Vision-Box Deploys Biometric eGates At Lisbon International Airport
vision-box November 7, 2013 – Vision-Box has announced that it has set up biometric Automated Border Control eGates at the Lisbon International Airport. In particular, the gates that have been deployed are the company’s vb i-match 5, which can process the Portuguese ePassports as well as the Portuguese National Citizen Card and holders of diplomatic or special passports as part of recently implemented pilot projects for Brazilian and Angolan nationals. To verify the identity of users passing through the gates, vb i-match 5 uses biometrics, including iris, fingerprint and facial recognition. This particular gate design has been in production since 2007. “Today, as in 2007, Portugal continues in the forefront of automated border control and Vision-Box is delighted to continue to support SEF and have a positive impact in keeping Portuguese borders safe while at the same time providing a good passenger experience,” Miguel Leitmann, Senior Vice President of Vision-Box said. Reported previously , Vision-Box also recently deployed eGates at the Hamad International Airport in Qatar. Earlier this year, Vision-Box launched what it was calling a ‘ biometric periscope ,’ for long distance capture of face and iris in self-service eGates. The device is capable of capturing biometrics from a distance of 1 metre. Leave a Comment comments
Source www.biometricupdate.com