To Everyone Vying for Body Cams on All Police Officers

There is something you desperately need to remember to demand and that is a proper policy defining when a police officer must turn on their body worn camera.

A lot of people don’t realize that body cams are being introduced without actual policies saying when they have to be used.

They’re not constantly recording like dash cams or security cameras – they are only turned on when the police officer decides to turn it on.

Darrien Hunt was murdered by a police officer in Utah who was wearing a body cam that was turned off.

It was recently revealed that the reason the officer did not face any repercussions for his camera being off is because there is literally no policy dictating when a body cam has to be turned on.

Let that sink in.

Police officers —at least the ones in Utah— are being given body cameras to wear with no stipulations as to when they need to be turned on, if at all.

Without a policy or law in place requiring police officers to turn their cameras on when they approach citizens or get involved in disputes, there will still be zero accountability.

The officer that killed Hunt also claimed he had no idea how to turn on the camera, or how to make sure it was recording.

If this is true, that also means there aren’t any actual educational courses given to police officers on how to operate their body cams.
