Wittra Sweden announce the signing of a commercial agreement with The Stockholm Fair, Wittra will provide IoT solutions to locate vehicles positioned both indoors and outdoors using a single technology deployment answering the ?where is my stuff and what is it doing??
Wittra and Stockholm agreement
The agreement between Wittra and the Stockholm Fair is divided into several stages, the first stage will build an infrastructure designed to track and report the positioning of circa 170 vehicles.
The Wittra approach ensured a full end-to-end solution which included a fully functioning customer application dashboard supplied by Wittra’s partner Thellio.
Through the deployment significant gains in productivity are anticipated and the Wittra solution has a significant lower total cost of ownership when compared to alternative technologies with deployment possible in a fraction of the time.
?During Event production will now be able to quickly and easily locate the vehicles needed. The technology assists us in the management of hired staff, additionally our employees save time as there is no need to physically look for vehicles before the event production starts. We avoid unnecessary stress and worry when vehicles are missing or not found. The system also facilitates handover between work shifts and transition between production days. Our calculations indicate that the business can be streamlined saving over 175 working man hours per year “, says Rikard Sk Source: wittra.se