Liteye and Unmanned Experts Partner to Address Drone Swarms

Unmanned Experts Inc. develops SWARM management systems, Liteye provides hardware

Liteye Systems has partnered with Unmanned Experts to provide the hardware components to ruggedize the new AIR COMMONS™ – SWARM, drone swarm asset planning, management, and control system.

AIR COMMONS™ SWARM technology enables command and control tasking, mission planning, and generation of a “Swarm Air Tasking Order” including resource allocation, asset-target matching, force management, and mission control. 

These capabilities enable US swarm commanders and tacticians to deploy overwhelming autonomous airpower faster than the enemy’s decision-making cycle.  The system is designed to fully integrate Unmanned Traffic Management, Advanced Air Mobility, Air Traffic Management, and UAS utilization and provide Air Domain Awareness within a disaster response or deployed Area of Responsibility.

“Swarming autonomous systems are the next technology to be addressed to secure dominance and air superiority,” said Keven Gambold, CEO of Unmanned Experts, Inc. 

“AIR COMMONS has demonstrated control of 55 drones and this number continues to increase.”

“Unmanned Experts’ technology is necessary for today’s battle,” said Kenneth Geyer, CEO of Liteye,

“Swarms are increasing, and adding these capabilities to friendly UAS capabilities will be vital moving forward.”

Liteye Systems is a technology solutions manufacturer and integrator of military and commercial Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems (CUAS) systems, manufacture of US AUDS, Drone Sense and Warn Systems, rugged high-resolution head-mounted displays (HMD), augmented sights, thermal surveillance systems, covert surveillance systems, electronic warfare packages, radar systems, and fire control software solutions. Visit

unmanned aircraft systems

Unmanned Experts provider of Subject Matter Expertise in the fields of autonomous robotics, swarms, UTM, and mass data. We also have class-beating experience in the traditional unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) domains. Visit

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