The city of Hamilton is looking at ways to fight back against vandalism problems plaguing some its parks. Council members will vote on a measure that could install security cameras at three parks and three spraygrounds. Veterans Park is one of the places that could get some cameras.
It’s also where one local woman spends a lot of her time. "We come almost every single day," said Jennifer Sauter who uses the park, as well as the dog park there.
Vandals have hit that park, RiversEdge, and a few other places. They’ve bent stage lights, destroyed bathroom soap dispensers, broken sprinklers, and overturned portable bathrooms.
On top of that, Sauter says she’s found trash littering the area lately.
"There’s people here that come every day and try to enjoy it, and then there’s people that come and don’t pick up after themselves and ruin it for everybody else," Sauter said.
That’s what the city hopes to stop by making a $25,000 decision at their meeting. It’s a decision that would put DVR-based security cameras in Veterans Park, RiversEdge, Colligan Lodge, and the city’s spraygrounds.
"I’m a little weirded out by the "big brother" aspect of it," said Gordon Brown of Hamilton.
Brown is a regular at the park, and has his concerns. But, he also sees the need. "It could prevent, or at least catch, but hopefully prevent, something from happening," Brown said.
Source: fox19.com