Intel Endorses iQ-FeverCheck Systems


Intel Corporation has established many initiatives to fight the current pandemic internationally. One of these has been to partner with iOmniscient in approving iQ-FeverCheck to be a part of its Intel IMRS (Intel Market Ready Solutions) Program.

Intel IMRS offers intelligent connectivity, exceptional performance and manageability, and a reliable roadmap that can help customers use data-driven insights to increase efficiency, improve safety, and enhance the overall quality of life for their citizens.

Products approved for the Intel IMRS program are vetted by Intel to ensure they are customer-tested, scalable, fully supported end-to-end solutions that are ready for immediate deployment.

Intel’s backing is helping iOmniscient to make iQ-FeverCheck more widely available to affected populations primarily in developing countries. We appreciate Intel’s support and look forward to helping our customers work more safely and effectively through the current crisis.

Automated Fever Check is 10x Cheaper than Manual Systems

Today there are many temperature detection systems available on the market and they are all manual systems. They invariably require two people to man each thermal station – one to watch the monitor and the other to pull aside those who exhibit high temperature and check them out more thoroughly.

Studies have shown that such teams lose their concentration after around 20 minutes and start missing people who may have a fever.

To address this the organization requires a roster of back up teams to relieve the primary team of fever checkers.

Further, it has now come to light that people tend to develop fevers later in the day. They may appear ne at 9 am but may start exhibiting a fever at 11. Hence it is not sufficient to monitor people just at entry points but continuously through the day right throughout their facility where people congregate such as in the cafeterias and near the toilets.

For any sizable facility, the cost of manning the thermal cameras grows exponentially. iOmniscient on the other hand oers an Automated System where there is no one standing at the thermal camera.

If someone passing the camera has a fever his image is captured and he is tracked on the organization’s existing cameras. A “Fever Checker” receives this image on his mobile phone along with information on the person’s current location on a site map. One “Fever Checker” can handle a large number of Thermal Stations.

An automated system eliminates queues. It also provides peace of mind since a person missed at one station would invariably be picked up at the next one. And of course, all iOmniscient systems have built-in privacy protection.

For all our customers we strongly recommend that they understand the total cost of operating their Fever Detection systems.

The cost of operating the systems can be over 10x the cost of the cameras themselves. In developed economies, an Automated System is less expensive than a manual one in 4 weeks. Even in a low-cost country, an automated system is less expensive within 6 months.

Anti-Contagion Solutions

IOmniscient offers solutions for all these Scenarios.

These solutions are based on one or more of iOmniscient’s 70 internationally patented capabilities and this Anti-contagion suite is uniquely available only from it.
