
U.S. Marines To Install Security Cameras Worldwide In Bachelor Barracks

Already Public Affairs Officers at Marine bases are trying to put the “best-face-forward” on the announcement this week that security cameras will be installed worldwide in housing complexes for unmarried Marines. The initiative was announced in September as an overall effort to “tighten Marines’ discipline in garrison”. The surveillance cameras will supplement the routine Health-and-Comfort inspections that are a way for commanding officers and leaders to assess living spaces and ensure their Marines and sailors are free of safety hazards, including rowdy Marines, and contraband, including illegal drugs. The cost of outfitting over 550 barracks facilities, worldwide, with security cameras could be pricey with estimates coming in at more than $5 million. In March of this year, Public Affairs Officer Capt. Binford Strickland of the U.S.M.C. made this comment regarding a surprise inspection at Camp Lejeune that netted some 81 violations by junior Marines on base: Deterrent measures are necessary to support prevention programs and enhance personal and mission readiness, according to the Marine Corps Substance Abuse Program, MCO 5300.17. All commanders will use specific measures according to the order to deter substance abuse to include, but not limited to gate checks, announced and unannounced health and comfort inspections of billeting areas and work spaces, and random urinalysis. So now, the 24/7 barracks surveillance cameras, if implemented. will add another layer of security and should add some “peace and quiet” for those Marines who are playing things straight-up. The National Military Examiner publishes military-related/ law enforcement content on this […]