Collaborative Approach To Moving Ideas, Data, and People
As you are reading this, the chances are pretty good that I’m on the road. Getting to meet new people, seeing their challenges, and helping to develop solutions is one of the best parts of my job. But, while this requires a lot of travel time, it has also afforded me the opportunity to see and know a wide variety of cities and their airports. In my experience, the best airports are those that have created a seamless collaboration between check-in, air-travel, and commerce. When travelers move easily through airport spaces, everyone benefits.
Campus Security Coalition Designed To Drive Collaboration On Security Efforts At Educational Facilities
The Campus Security Coalition, a networking group focused on spearheading discussion about security and safety at educational facilities, has launched to bring together school leaders and aligned stakeholders, and propel discussion about how to better address threats, further strengthen security efforts and achieve more proactive intelligence efforts. Faced with the growing threats of violence, vandalism, and attacks modern school systems are challenged with ensuring a safe, open environment while protecting infrastructure and assets. Continued budget restraints often limit the availability of new investment dollars for security expansions and continued plan assessments. Over the coming year, the Campus Security Coalition will seek to assist schools by partnering with leading technology vendors and installers to provide the tools and services necessary to strengthen situational awareness and security efforts.