Police car

Axis Introduces Modular Mini Camera Series

AXIS F Series is a highly flexible, modular network camera series ideal for ATMs, banks, stores, hotels, and mobile environments like ambulances and police cars. Axis Communications, the global leader in network video surveillance, today introduces a modular camera series, the AXIS F Network Series, that not only gives customers discreet surveillance solutions with HDTV […]

Benefits Of Video Integration System With Police Cars

Cars with video camera systems and the development for the police began in the 1980s, but became popular in the 1990s. Below are some of the reasons that explain how the benefits of incorporating agency police car video. Progress In Safety Officer Conducting a study of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) have […]

Police Car Dash-Cam Bill Didn’t Deserve To Die

There may be good reasons, sometimes, for a governor to veto a bill. Unfortunately, we don’t know of a good reason why Gov. Chris Christie would “pocket veto” legislation requiring all new police vehicles to be equipped with a dashboard video recording device. And, we do know a lot of reasons why this measure should have been signed into law. The bill, A-4193, in the just-ended legislative session, was sponsored by Assemblyman Paul Moriarty, D-4th Dist., following Moriarty’s personal experience with an apparently bogus traffic violation. Charged in his Washington Township hometown with drunken driving by a local officer who had a long history with the lawmaker, Moriarty was able to establish his innocence when the officer’s own video camera revealed what really happened. But having a camera in a police car is about more than just supporting the testimony of an officer or helping a citizen escape a bad rap. Passersby caught on camera may turn out to be potential witnesses to a crime. Cars driving erratically at one moment may be involved in a hit and run moments later. In an era when every mom-and-pop store has security cameras and every other grandmother carries a phone that shoots video, there’s really no excuse for failing to install and use cameras in police cruisers. Moriarty’s bill even established a funding mechanism through a surcharge on drunk-driving fines. Unfortunately, the bill doesn’t require retrofitting of older patrol cars with cameras, just their installation in newly purchased vehicles. It will […]