Rich Gadomski

Why LTO Data Tape is a Perfect Fit for the Massive Video Surveillance Market?

Staying ahead of technological advancements is crucial In the dynamic world of physical security. Security.World is excited to bring you an exclusive interview with Jay Jason Bartlett, the CEO of Cozaint, conducted by Rich Gadomski. Jay shares insights into how Cozaint is transforming the video surveillance market with innovative storage solutions. Discover how the company leverages LTO data tape to offer a cost-effective and energy-efficient alternative to traditional HDDs, promising to redefine video content retention and accessibility.

FUJIFILM Releases Video Surveillance Retention Cost Calculator

FUJIFILM Recording Media U.S.A., Inc. announced the release of an online calculator designed to help video surveillance (VS) industry professionals assess the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for long-term retention of video surveillance content. Today’s low-cost, high-resolution cameras combined with longer-term retention requirements are driving video content storage costs upwards across the VS industry and leading many to take a new look at their storage strategy.