Insurance defense lawyers have less than a month to produce surveillance of auto accident victims –not when it’s convenient for them There is a big problem in Michigan with insurance companies abusing discovery, and nowhere is this more prevalent than with video surveillance. The notion of insurance companies “ignoring the rules” may sound strange to people – that is, until they’ve been injured in an automobile accident.
Video surveillance is not just being utilized by auto insurance companies in increasingly aggressive efforts to deny No Fault PIP benefits to people injured in car accidents, but also the defense lawyers who hire investigators to “find anything” in lawsuits.
The problem is mainly that this video surveillance is not being done as a basis for not paying No Fault insurance benefits. It becomes a problem when insurance company claims adjusters have been asleep at the switch, causing enormous hardship for people for months by choosing to just ignore their claims entirely.
The victims of this bad faith have little legal recourse, other than to hire a lawyer and file a lawsuit, and even then, it can take many months before the insurance company adjuster looks at the file.
The problem is that aggressive video surveillance is being done after the fact, months or years later, and then used to try to justify a long pattern of malfeasance and willful ignorance.
Many insurance companies will attempt to use video surveillance to “catch” an injured party doing something […]
Source: michiganautolaw.com