Homeowners in Avalon Park, Florida, are eggs-amining the evidence of some neighborhood vandals, who were caught on camera egging a house for the fourth time.
Yolks – sorry, folks – in Florida are going to egg-travagant lengths in order to catch a group of teenagers who are repeatedly egging houses, in a case that is proving hard to crack.
Homeowners in the Orange County suburb Avalon Park say they are egg-hausted by the vandalism. So much so they have released footage caught on secret cameras of the latest incident in the hope someone will be able to identify the perpetrators.
One house has been egged four times. The drive-by throwing occurred about 11.30pm November 2 on Anastasia Lane.
The camera footage, which was obtained by Click Orlando, shows a white four-door sedan pulling up out the front of the house. A male comes out of the car’s sunroof and throws one egg with his left hand. The egg just missed the camera itself.
Besides the time it takes to clean up the mess, the the homeowners have also been forced to pain their house after the egging incidents in order to keep up with their Neighborhood Watch regulations. One egg has also caused a big dent above their garage.
The family has put the footage they captured on their areas Neighborhood Watch Facebook page in an attempt to shame the vandals.
They says they have a pretty good idea who it is, but are hoping a parent will recognize the car and pull their children into line.[…]