Sielox LLC, founded in 1979, will be exhibiting at the ASIS International Expo in Atlanta GA on 29 SEP ? 1 OCT. In addition to celebrating thirty-five years of innovation in the security products market, Sielox will be demonstrating the latest enhanced versions of its core products including Pinnacle 9 and the 1700 Controller.
Recent innovative solutions like the award-winning Sielox Class™ Crisis Lockdown Alert Status System, released last year, will be shown with expanded capabilities and a new user interface.
Sielox AnyWare, a browser-based access control solution released earlier this year, will be available for personal demonstrations of security management from a desktop, tablet or mobile device ? from AnyWare.
Celebrating Thirty-Five Years of Innovation
Sielox is proud to be celebrating its thirty-fifth anniversary in the security products industry.
The company was founded in 1979 as Sielox Systems based in Sunnyvale CA by technology legend France Rode who was an engineer and inventor best known for his work on the HP-35 pocket calculator.
He also invented and created the first workable RFID products: workplace entry cards, for which he holds several patents including 4,727,369 for Electronic lock and key system and RFID-based Security products.
In December 2010 the company was purchased by access industry veteran Karen Evans and investors lead by Richard Hoel creating a private company.
From its Silicon Valley beginnings through today, Sielox is essentially a 35 year old ?startup,? creating and enhancing ?Made in the USA? products and applications for a variety of end-users.
Sielox sells through value-added Business Partners.
Live Demonstrations
End Users, current and interested Business Partners are invited to Booth 3705 to experience four Sielox enhanced products and integrated solutions from industry leaders Allegion, Salto, LifeSafety, and others.
The latest version of Pinnacle event-management feature-rich software was released earlier this year and now supports Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows Server 2012. Additional features include integration with Otis Elevator Company Compass™ Destination Management system which helps manage the flow of people; updated Pinnacle Argos now supporting Costar Direct-IP NVRs; Event Video Link sends event text to any third party video system that supports POS/ATM interface and has the ability to place a Time Stamp / Event Stamp onto the video.
Finally, the Pinnacle Utilities has been updated to include persistent Door Icon control and Door List Control, System Clean up, Event Counter, and more.
The 1700 controller maintains a fully distributed configuration for cardholders, access levels, time zones, readers, locks, and other devices.
All decisions are made by the controller and sent to the Pinnacle server for event management, alarm monitoring, and archiving.
A complete backup of all configuration files are maintained in the on-board SD card for instant recovery and off-line archiving.
From a single controller the 1700 can operate up to 32 Schlage AD-400 wireless networked locks or 16 Salto Sallis wireless locks for cost-effective deployments.
The 1700 expands benefits for end-users with fast IP data rates and a web maintenance port for reduced installation and maintenance costs.
Sielox Class™ Crisis Lockdown Alert Status System will be demonstrated on two screens for a greater impact of what an Initiator and First Responder would experience for both crisis and incident events.
With a new graphical user interface (GUI) and increased capabilities, Class provides real-time classroom status, updates, and notification to school administrators and first responders through the use of graphical floor plans, email and text alerts, and two-way chat messaging.
The award winning and patent pending solution for response in emergency situations, will be shown on an ad hoc basis to end users.
Sielox AnyWare™ will be available for end users seeking a browser based solution from a tablet or smartphone. Sielox is offering Anyware at extremely competitive price points for entry level systems up to eight doors or soon for larger installations up to forty doors.
Using an IT-friendly network appliance, AnyWare is ready to configure in a matter of minutes. End-users like the non-hosted design and minimal software maintenance costs.
And used in conjunction with Sielox?s industry leading IP 1700 controllers, AnyWare provides a cost-effective, easy-to-use yet robust access control feature set.