
Data Connectors Boise Tech-Security

The Boise Tech-Security Conference features 40-60 vendor exhibits and 8-12 educational speaker sessions discussing current tech-security issues such as cloud security, email and social media security, VoIP, LAN security, wireless security, USB drives security & more. Numerous door prizes such as iPads, Kindles, $25, $50 and $100 gift cards and lots more! You’ll come away […]

Network Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking

SEC560 is designed to get you ready to conduct a full-scale, high-value penetration test – and on the last day of the course you’ll do just that. After building your skills in comprehensive and challenging labs over five days, the course culminates with a final full-day, real-world penetration test scenario. You’ll conduct an end-to-end pen […]