data protection

3 Ways to Protect Data with Technology

Protecting data is a vital task in today’s digital world, and is a chief concern in everything from startup offices, to production warehouses, to hospital facilities. We trust an immense proportion of operations across all businesses and industries to digital systems, and as a result, it is of the upmost importance to protect those systems from harm. All too often though, we tend to rely on relatively simple and limited measures for that protection.

Genetec Shares its Top Physical Security Trends Predictions for 2020

While artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming a household term, it’s far from being a household reality. While machines are making huge steps forward, they are not capable of thinking or acting like humans. What they are really good at, however, is combing through a huge amount of data to provide deeper insights to help humans make informed decisions more quickly and efficiently. In 2020, we can expect machine learning to continue to make huge strides in the security sector.

So Much Data, So Little Time

As part of a company with global operations, I have had the opportunity to see and support a wide variety of organizations as they grapple with security challenges on a large scale. One of the persistent challenges we’re facing in the 21st century is how to manage and make use of the ever-increasing amount of data being collected and stored within our security systems. Lately, a lot of my time has been spent with our European team out of our Paris office, getting ready for the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Developed to protect individual privacy, the GDPR sets out a series of specific regulations as well as strict fines for non-compliance for organizations that collect and process personally identifiable information (PII) from EU citizens.

Surveon Cloud NVR GSe Pro 1004 Series To Meet SMB’s Requirements

Surveon Technology announced the GSe Pro 1004 Series is added to the Cloud NVR Solutions. The GSe Pro 1004 Series can fulfill both storage and surveillance needs, providing the best worthy solution to meet small-medium project’s cost requirement, such as SOHO, SMB and retail. Supporting up to 16 channels of 5MP recording and 4-bay hot-swappable HDDs with RAID protection, GSe Pro 1004 Series is also an ideal solution for the project demanding high reliability with easy maintenance, such as casino.