police union

How To Get More From Police Self-Surveillance: Don’t Turn It Off

Who watches the watchers when they aren’t wearing their lapel cameras? That’s the tech-centric question at the heart of a scandal that’s been raging in New Mexico since federal investigators accused Albuquerque police officers of routinely using excessive force and violating suspects’ civil rights. Cops in the city are supposed to wear small video cameras […]

Should Cops Be Made To Wear Video Cameras?

I believe the quality and size is already good enough. You are right that cameras help protect officers from false accusations, will help obtain convictions, and discourage attacks on LEOs, but the general trend is for Law Enforcement Unions and organizations to resist all attempts to make officers more accountable. "The LE2 is the most widely used wearable police camera designed specifically for law enforcement. The LE2 easily clips to a police or security uniform to record the actions of the wearer and those around them. The LE2 uses our proprietary VERIPATROL