Rail transport

Maryland Transit Administration Awards $8.3 Million Contract To Critical Solutions International To Implement Intelligent Video Surveillance System

Critical Solutions International (CSI) announced that the Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) has selected its Intelligent Video Surveillance Solution to provide advanced video security at selected rail stations within the state’s rapid transit network. CSI is bringing threat detection and advanced security solutions to Homeland Security applications based on its extensive wartime experience. Upon completion of […]

Frost & Sullican: Mass Transport Operators Reinforce Security As Threats and Insuracne Claims Grow

Frost & Sullivan: Mass Transport Operators Reinforce Security as Threats and Insurance Claims Grow: — Ideal security solutions will have open architectures to offer convenience and value-added services LONDON, Oct. 15, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — After airports, it is the turn of the global mass transport market to beef up security, as governments begin to address the security risks posed by large-scale unprotected infrastructure. In addition to terrorism threats, rising instances of crime, antisocial behaviour, and insurance claims have turned operators’ attention to new technologies in video surveillance, perimeter security, and sensors. The need for stronger security is undisputed, but mass transit operators are often constrained by lean budgets, especially since it is difficult to demonstrate return on investment (ROI) from these installations. New analysis from Frost & Sullivan ( http://www.defense.frost.com ), Global Mass Transport Security Market Overview, finds that the market earned revenues of $1.76 billion in 2012 and estimates this to reach $3.16 billion in 2021, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.7 per cent (2012 to 2021). The market will continue to expand due to large investments in metro projects in China and the proposed expansion of current metro projects in India, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific. “Most of the security spending in mass transportation is expected to be directed at securing the stations where travellers gather, buses and rolling stock in which travellers are transported, and the areas adjacent to places where transportation is stationed,” said Frost & Sullivan Aerospace, Defence and Security Research Analyst Krzysztof […]