
Collaborative Approach To Moving Ideas, Data, and People

As you are reading this, the chances are pretty good that I’m on the road. Getting to meet new people, seeing their challenges, and helping to develop solutions is one of the best parts of my job. But, while this requires a lot of travel time, it has also afforded me the opportunity to see and know a wide variety of cities and their airports. In my experience, the best airports are those that have created a seamless collaboration between check-in, air-travel, and commerce. When travelers move easily through airport spaces, everyone benefits.

Biggest Cybersecurity Threat Facing Federal Agencies Is legacy IT

Improving our cyber posture is among the top priorities for the Trump administration. However, there are still many questions raised as to how they hope to achieve this goal. As we have seen over the past several years, high-profile hacks are practically the norm. Starting with the OPM data breach in 2015, which affected millions of current and former federal employees to Russia?s efforts to influence our election through hacking of our political parties, cyberattacks have become a constant source of news and frustration in our lives.