washington navy yard
Washington Naval Yard Shooting – Case Analysis – Utica College
On 16 September 2013, Aaron Alexis conducted a mass shooting in Building 197 at the Washington Navy Yard. He was a lone shooter killed by police after killing 12 and injuring 8. There were former instances of misconduct and mental issues. These are not considered in issuance of Common Access Card (CAC) or clearance. There were poor installation access control and building security procedures seen as contributing factors. The Attack and Defense Scenarios analyze two main issues. Issue 1: • Could the attack have been substantially more lethal if the shooter had pre-planned and preositioned additional key attack elements thereby increasing the efficiency of the attack? • Could the attack be a diversionary tactic to draw attention away from the true reason, data breach of classified information? Issue 2: • Could the risk of an attack been reduced through a layered defense implementation of X-ray machine/metal detector suites, more security cameras with facial recognition capabilities, and increased access controls (biometrics or improved identification badging)? Analysis of the issues result in the following risk assessment values: • Initial Risk Assessment (Baseline) = 18% • Attack Boost (Worst Case) = 12% increase • Defense Boost (Best Case) = 14% decrease • After applying the Ryan-Nichols Equation the NET value requires $2.28Million dollars to mitigate the risk of the attack • Implementation of multilayered defense with enhanced access control systems and procedures are recommended Read the rest in the downloadable PowerPoint show file here: http://treadstone71llc.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/washingtonnavalyardshooting-caseanalysis.ppsx http://programs.online.utica.edu/programs/masters-cybersecurity.asp
Source blogs.csoonline.com
Navy Yard Shooting: US To Review Security At All Military Installations (+video)
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is planning to order a review of physical security and access to all US military installations worldwide, a senior Pentagon official said Tuesday, one day after a Navy reservist with a troubled history killed 12 people at the Washington Navy Yard . Skip to next paragraph Secretary Hagel spent much of the day on Tuesday collecting input from senior officials to define the parameters of the review, which could be formally announced as soon as Wednesday, according to the official. Word of the impending review follows news that a previously unreleased Department of Defense Inspector General (DOD IG) report detailed “critical flaws” in base security at Navy installations, including the practice of contracting out base guard duty to nongovernmental personnel. The DOD IG report, dated for release on Sept. 16, the date of the Navy Yard attack, cites instances in which “52 convicted felons received routine, unauthorized installation access, placing military personnel, dependents, civilians, and installations at an increased security risk.” This was the result of efforts on the part of Navy officials “to reduce access control costs,” according to the inspector general report. The report leveled another critique as well – that the commander, Navy Installations Command was “non-responsive” regarding the recommendations of the Pentagon inspector general. These revelations about the DOD IG investigation in turn prompted calls for change. In the wake of the Navy Yard attacks, “I am highly concerned that the access control systems at our nation’s military installations have serious […]
Source www.csmonitor.com
The Visitor Control Center At Navy?s Building 197
September 16th, 2013 | Defense | Posted by jim mcelhatton close Author: jim mcelhatton Name : Email: jmcelhatton@federaltimes.com Site: About: See Authors Posts (28) Access into the Washington Navy Yard’s Building 197, where a shooting rampage in Washington left at least a dozen people dead Monday, includes a security clearance check and vetting by contract-hired “visitor control technicians,” contract records show. Authorities have identified Aaron Alexis, 34, a Navy veteran, as the dead gunman. While it’s unclear how Alexis got into the building Monday morning, the Associated Press reported that he may have used someone’s identification. In April, the Navy hired Kansas-based contractor Transtecs Corp. for “visitor control office support services” at the Washington Navy Yard, according to the government’s online procurement database. While there’s no indication that Transtecs’ work has come under question in the shooting, contract records related to the company’s hiring do shed light on the sort of vetting the Navy requires to get into Building 197, which houses the Navy’s Sea Systems Command. A 30-page task order on the company’s website says Transtecs provides the labor to support the ID badging system and associated equipment at the building. A person who answered the phone for Transtecs Monday said the company declined to comment. Entry into the building includes a check of the Joint Personnel Adjudication System to verify an individual’s clearance level prior to authorizing access, the task order shows. “The contractor shall utilize the government furnished Picture Perfect Access Control System to issue […]
Source blogs.federaltimes.com