Door Security System From Smarter Security Helps University Keep Students Safe


Smarter Security, Inc., provider of premium, innovative entrance control and outdoor security solutions, announced that a university in the Midwest United States recently ordered more than fifteen Door Detective® CL units to help stop unauthorized access through dormitory exit doors. Prior experience and success with Fastlane® optical turnstiles led to the university trusting Smarter Security with helping to solve this door security challenge as well.

“It is a high compliment when customers come back and buy different products from a company, and we are pleased to be working with this university again,” said Jeff Brown, CEO of Smarter Security. “University campuses are at greater risk of tailgating and piggybacking than corporate offices because young adults are less likely to confront a tailgater or to follow access rules. Locked doors are wonderful security devices…until they are opened. In Door Detective, universities finally have a solution that helps keep things honest once a door has been opened, which is when the access control system is essentially blind.”

The university ordered seventeen Door Detective CL units from Smarter Security to place on perimeter doors used by students for free egress from several residence halls. Some students were violating rules and opening these doors for friends to come in, and it was possible for someone to enter a door unnoticed as it was closing.

With Door Detective, students can still exit the doors as before, but any entrance through the door sounds an alarm. The university installed Fastlane optical turnstiles several years ago which greatly improved entry control in dormitory lobbies.

Appreciation for Smarter Security’s technology advantages and responsive service and support convinced the customer to stay with the company, and it chose the CL model because of the status lights that provide users feedback.

Door Detective is a tailgate detection system available from Smarter Security that works on an access-controlled door and forces everyone who enters to present authorized credentials, even if the door is held open.

In cases such as at this university, where no access control system is in place, Door Detective can be used to stop direction violations.

In either situation, an alarm sounds when there is a violation, and this can trigger a CCTV camera or another door to lock. The company offers three models to meet different needs, budgets, and aesthetic preferences.


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