NICE Investigate Provides a Strong Digital Management Solution While Simultaneously Keeping Police Officers Safe

NICE Investigate

NICE announced that a consortium of four UK police forces (Hampshire Constabulary, Thames Valley Police, Surrey Police and Sussex Police), operating as the South East Regional Integrated Policing Programme (SERIP), has signed a contract with NICE to deploy the NICE Investigate Digital Evidence Management Solution (DEMS).

SERIP will roll out NICE Investigate to more than 12,000 officers to streamline investigations and address the challenges of growing digital evidence.

“Having had the opportunity to pilot NICE Investigate in the four forces, we could see the system in action and realize the benefits for our investigations and investigators. 92% of our officers said it would make their investigation more effective,” said a spokesperson from SERIP.

“NICE Investigate will be transformational for us, not only in terms of time savings but also through improved policing outcomes that will ultimately reduce threats, harm and risk to our communities.”

Running on the secure Microsoft Azure cloud, NICE Investigate is a one-stop solution for automating manual processes around the collection, management, analysis, and sharing of all types of digital evidence. 

NICE Investigate will seamlessly integrate with the four forces’ records management, body-worn video, and interview recording systems so investigators can automatically correlate and gather evidence through a single login.

NICE Investigate will also make it much easier for SERIP forces to collect CCTV video for cases. Investigators can instantly pull up a list of cameras within an incident radius and send off a request to registered businesses located within that geographic area. Any uploaded video is automatically transcoded to a useable format and securely stored in the Microsoft Azure cloud.

“With SERIP now rolling out NICE Investigate, we are providing cutting-edge delivery to an increasing number of forces for their day-to-day digital evidence management and digital transformation, ensuring investigations and evidence sharing are match fit for the digital age,” said Chris Wooten, Executive Vice President, NICE.

“NICE Investigate is fast becoming the defacto standard for driving digital transformation in policing across the UK and is gaining momentum around the world.”

The South East Regional Integrated Policing Programme (SERIP) is a regional program that seeks to enhance collaboration and improve policing outcomes across Surrey, Sussex, Thames Valley, and Hampshire police force areas. It seeks to achieve this by aligning systems and functions and standardizing processes. The program aims to develop a regional vision and ambition across the four forces, in support of the National Policing Vision 2025.

NICE is the world’s leading provider of both cloud and on-premises enterprise software solutions that empower organizations to make smarter decisions based on advanced analytics of structured and unstructured data. NICE helps organizations of all sizes deliver better customer service, ensure compliance, combat fraud, and safeguard citizens.


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