Thief Apologizes, Buys New Wagon For Disabled Boy

caughtontape1One of two wagon thieves apologizes and delivers new wagon Friday morning. Tracy, Alex and Max Bean at their home Friday after a stolen wagon was returned. There was a knock at the door of Tracy Bean’s 16th Avenue home Friday morning. Because she was busy helping her 6-year-old disabled boy, Alex, with breakfast, she didn’t know that on the other side of that door was hope. And contrition. She opened the door and there stood one of the two women caught on security cameras stealing a wagon from her front yard early morning Tuesday – the wagon that was Alex’s favorite. She apologized profusely for the theft. She said she was sorry. She said she wasn’t thinking. And although she did not know where Alex’s wagon was, she bought him a new one. It was still in the box. “I’m moved to tears,’’ Bean said. “All is right.” Bean said the woman, who she did not want to identify, could not have been more remorseful or apologetic. The woman even wrote a letter of apology, Bean said. “She was very sincere,’’ Bean said. “She said they just didn’t think about it at the time.’’                  The theft of the wagon was caught on the Bean’s security cameras . Tracy Bean put the video on YouTube on Thursday, which was picked up by numerous news organizations and distributed widely on the internet. “This just couldn’t have turned out better,’’ Bean said. “That’s […]


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