viisights Proactive Video Analytics Deployed at Headquarters of the Tata Group

AI-enhanced Software Enhances Security and Safety at Historic Site

viisights announced the deployment of viisights Wise™ and related software products at the headquarters of the Tata Group in Mumbai, India. This security system upgrade involves dozens of cameras and will enhance perimeter protection, support occupancy analysis, and improve the early detection of suspicious activity and safety-related events such as outdoor fire and smoke. Tailgating detection, for alerting on unauthorized access, will be deployed later this year.

These improvements demonstrate the value that Tata management places on the safety and security of staff and visitors, as well as on the preservation of the historic Bombay House that serves as their corporate headquarters.

“Tata Group is a global leader in many industries, from steel to power to airlines, and they understand the value of proactively ensuring safety and security,” said Asaf Birenzvieg, CEO, viisights.

“viisights is delighted to deliver our highly effective pre-emptive solutions to help protect their business headquarters and ensure the safety of this historic building and its many occupants, visitors, and environment.”

The Associated Building Co. is the Tata division that owns Bombay House. In the 2010’s, Tata upgraded Bombay House to become the first heritage structure in the country to achieve a Gold rating from the Indian Green Building Council. Today, implementing viisights Wise to help protect Bombay House is the essential step to continue moving forward.

viisights behavioral recognition video analytics

Designed for fast and cost-efficient deployment, viisights behavioral recognition video analytics leverage investments in existing video systems to autonomously detect and issue real-time alerts on unsafe conditions and security incidents so they can be addressed before they cause injuries or losses.

viisights’ unique video understanding technology utilizes deep neural networks to analyze video streams from existing video camera systems to automatically detect developing security and safety risks, and issue real-time alarms to authorized personnel to take remedial action. The early notification of impending and real-time events of interest enables responders to take faster action, effectively reducing or eliminating negative outcomes from potentially threatening or harmful events.

viisights intelligent behavioral recognition video understanding technology is currently deployed in critical applications around the world, helping create safer and more secure facilities and workplaces.

viisights is a leading innovator of behavioral recognition analytics for real-time video intelligence. The company provides AI-powered behavioral recognition analytics for safe and smart cities, enterprises, campuses, financial institutions, critical infrastructures, transportation hubs and for industrial, manufacturing and healthcare facilities. visit:

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