
3 Ways to Reveal Insider Threats with Predictive Security Analytics

Detecting insider threats requires distinguishing between acceptable activities and those that either put the organization at risk or are outright malicious. Doing so is easier said than done. Many organizations simply don’t have the systems and solutions in place to identify such threats in a timely manner. The layered security stack present in most organizations is important for maintaining a strong posture against external threats, but the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) and indicators of compromise (IoCs) that traditional solutions are built to recognize generally don’t apply to insider threats.

Tracking the Impact of Social Distancing and Shelter-in-Place Policies on Fraud Trends and Threats

Given the increasingly widespread implementation of social distancing and work-from-home policies, it is expected that behavior patterns across the globe will be changing radically as increasing numbers of people migrate their actions online in order to manage both their work and personal lives. These changing patterns are already being reflected in the data we analyze as we work to protect our clients from new and emerging fraud threats.