Wavestore And Facit Form Technology Partnership To Aid GDPR Compliance

Wavestore and analytics experts Facit Data Systems have formed a technology partnership to help organisations comply with the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) when managing their surveillance system.

The GDPR regulation stipulates any person whose image is recorded on a video surveillance system has a right to seek and be supplied with a copy of their own personal data from the footage. However, the identity of any other individuals who also feature in any part of that footage need to be protected when the recording is shared with a third party.

Identity Cloak

The technology partnership will see Facit working closely together with Wavestore to promote Facit’s proprietary video redaction software, Identity Cloak, alongside Wavestore’s Video Management Software (VMS). Identity Cloak transforms high-risk data to the low-risk category, allowing operators to see what is happening in exported video footage without violating anyone’s privacy.

It does so by blurring out the faces of people captured on video in a dynamic way, allowing persons of interest to be selected and made visible whilst everybody else remains blurred throughout the entire video clip.

Relevant video can be effortlessly exported from Wavestore into Identity Cloak and a full GDPR compliant video clip made available in a fraction of the time it takes using other methods.

“Our VMS is extremely user-friendly in terms of helping clients comply with GDPR,” said Enrico Bizzaro, Head of Integrations for Wavestore.

“Identity Cloak complements the privacy features of our VMS and will ensure our clients are able to achieve maximum benefit from their video surveillance systems, without being in danger of breaching the new regulation.”

Facit Data Systems Managing Director Waqas Hassan says he is pleased to align the company’s new Identity Cloak software with the Wavestore Technology Partnership programme.

“We believe the combination of Identity Cloak and the Wavestore VMS will allow a significant reduction in risk and exposure to the requirements of all organisations utilising video in their environment for their GDPR compliance. Having now a full redaction function to complement the existing Wavestore VMS features will be extremely helpful.”

Wavestore’s GDPR-friendly features
In addition to lightning-fast incident search and GDPR compliant export with Facit, Wavestore’s VMS has a host of other features which help organisations comply with GDPR in the day-to-day administration of their systems. These include:

  • The ability to set hard limits on video storage duration so not to retain video longer than intended
  • User privilege separation, including user-privilege enabled privacy zones
  • The option to ‘lock’ recordings to prevent overwriting whilst investigations are taking place
  • Security hardening as standard including enforceable password policies
  • No ‘back door’ access into the system
Source: wavestore.com

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