Search Results for: U.S. Department of Justice

Drone Takedown Authority Would Be Granted Under Senate Proposal

Security and law enforcement agencies would be given new authority to monitor and take down threatening drones under bipartisan legislation proposed by a group of U.S. Senators. A bill introduced by top members of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee would also direct the Department of Homeland Security to study drone technology and the emerging threats it creates. While technology exists to monitor most small commercial drones and to disable or redirect their flight paths, law often prohibits the use of these techniques. The bill, known as the Preventing Emerging Threats Act of 2018, would give DHS and the Justice Department the authority to monitor and track drones without consent of the operator.

5 Ways Graffiti Vandals Damage Your Community

A U.S. Justice Department study found that graffiti discourages people from using mass transit, makes business districts less attractive to shoppers and increases fear of gangs among residents. Law enforcement and community officials talk about how graffiti —usually spray-painted or applied with indelible markers— is costly in terms of removal, lowered property values and lost business. Graffiti Tracker is a web-based system designed to help identify and prosecute graffiti vandals.

SIA Supports Senate?s STOP School Violence Act

The Security Industry Association (SIA) strongly supports S. 2495, the Students, Teachers and Officers Preventing (STOP) School Violence Act of 2018, introduced by a bipartisan coalition of 25 U.S. senators led by Sens. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn. The legislation would fund school security improvements and invest in prevention programs to stop school violence before it happens.

Taking Cybersecurity A Step Further With Attribute-Based Access Control

Most organizations already have firewalls implemented, encrypted critical data assets, and monitor network activity as part of an overall cybersecurity plan, but there is another line of defense that can provide additional value: the use of attribute based access control (ABAC) to reduce the threat surface, thereby improving overall security as well as mitigating risks associated with breaches.

How Police Body Cameras Change Our Perception Of Right And Wrong

There was something about the sudden, near-universal praise for police body cameras that rubbed Seth Stoughton the wrong way. A law professor at the University of South Carolina who has spent his career studying the regulation of law enforcement, Stoughton saw the potential of equipping thousands upon thousands of American police officers with cameras recording […]

Five Myths About Police Body Cameras

Body cameras aren’t new, but since the spate of violent encounters between police and unarmed citizens — Michael Brown, Chris Lollie, Eric Garner, Marlene Pinnock and others — they’ve been at the center of our debate about how to reduce these types of incidents. Police in Washington and New York City have instituted body-camera pilot programs, Maryland Republican Gov. Larry Hogan signed a law last month enabling their use in his state, and Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., is making a push for body-camera funding in Congress. These efforts will sometimes help, but they’re not a cure-all. Here are five myths about the power of body cams.

President Obama Seeks $75M for Police Body-Worn Cameras

Spurred by the Ferguson, Missouri shooting, President Barack Obama is calling for $75 million in federal spending to get 50,000 more police to wear body cameras that record their interactions with civilians. The package includes $75 million for to help pay for the small, lapel-mounted cameras to record police on the job, with state and local governments paying half the cost.

On the Anniversary of 9/11, NYC Looks at New Threats Complicating Terror Fighting

On the eve of the anniversary of the terror attacks by Al Qaeda that left so many Americans in despair and confusion, there are additional terror threats being pursued by the president, the NYPD commissioner and other security professionals working for New York?s safety. Ironically, some of those threats almost make 9/11 seem like a simpler time, from a law enforcement perspective.

New Surveillance System At Tutwiler AL Prison Could Be ‘Model For The Country’

Once Alabama prison officials work out how to most effectively use video surveillance for security, Julia Tutwiler Prison for Women could be "a model for the country," a national consultant said recently. Consultants from The Moss Group led camera management training at the prison, where reports have outlined allegations of sexual abuse, violence, and inadequate […]