Campus Security

Public Schools In Saudi Arabia Going Biometric To Thwart Class Cutting

Several public schools across the Kingdom have implemented a biometric fingerprinting system to improve attendance. The new system is linked with an electronic software device to keep parents informed of absence and delays. The move comes despite the ministry?s assertion that it has not endorsed the fingerprinting system for teachers, although employees at several ministry […]

School Lockdown And More With One Push Of A Button

The superintendent of the Plainedge School District is confident in the effectiveness of a one-button lockdown system that will soon go live in the high school here. He should be. He helped develop it. Superintendent Edward Salina worked alongside Lee Mandel, owner of Long Island-based systems integrator and manufacturer IntraLogic Solutions, to create the add-on […]

Claremont, NH’s Stevens High Renovation Project Includes Security Cameras

The multi-million dollar renovation of Stevens High School now includes $43,000 in security cameras. The committee overseeing the renovation voted Wednesday to use money from a contingency fund for the project to pay for interior video cameras that will monitor common areas including hallways, classrooms, the gymnasium, and the auditorium. The decision brings the total […]

Indiana University Puts IT And Safety Under One Umbrella

Mark Bruhn, associate vice president for public safety and institutional assurance at Indiana University, ?oversees systemwide security in both the physical and digital realms. Even as campus functions like building access and emergency response become increasingly dependent on institutions’ information-technology infrastructures, physical security, and information technology remain administratively separate almost everywhere. But at Indiana University, […]

Allegion Providing Series Of Resources For Council Of Great City Schools Conference

Allegion PLC (NYSE: ALLE), a leading global provider of security products and solutions, today announced that attendees at the Council of Great City Schools Conference to be held April 22-24 in New Orleans will hear a presentation by Anshu Mehrotra, Allegion vice president and general management-mechanical business, and Terry Burgess of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools that will […]

Florida Lawmakers Send Bill To Governor To Ban Biometrics In Schools

(Editor’s Note: This is a follow-up to Florida Lawmakers To Consider Banning Biometrics In Schools) – A bill that would ban Florida school districts from using biometrics —such as iris, retina, fingerprint, and palm scans— is poised to become law. Senate Bill 188, known as the biometrics bill, is sponsored by state Sen. Dorothy L. […]

Major Energy Company Thwarts Thieves With Hikvision

Ganesh R. Iyer, Head of Sales & Business Development at Comsec Security Systems Ltd., had a number of significant security hurdles to overcome when designing a CCTV overhaul for Puma Energy’s Head Office & Depot facility in Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania. This Puma Energy facility, consisting of both an office headquarters complex and an oil processing depot, […]

Baltimore County Ramps Up Security At Elementary Schools

Cameras and ID verification systems were part of the $3.7 million project, Baltimore County reported. In response to violence at schools nationwide—including shootings at Perry Hall High School and in Newtown, CT—officials in Baltimore County rolled out an initiative Tuesday they say will make elementary schools more secure. The $3.7 million project includes cameras, door […]

Seneca Valley PA Schools Could Permit Audio Surveillance On Buses

Seneca Valley School District officials will soon be able to listen to pupils on their buses as well as watch them. School board members passed the first reading tonight of a policy that will permit audio recording on school buses. The district already has video surveillance equipment on all of its buses. District spokeswoman Linda Andreassi said they must vote on the policy three times before it can go into effect. She said they expect to start using the audio equipment on buses next school year. Jim Pearson, district transportation director, said the bus surveillance cameras are audio capable but the audio was shut off because state law did not permit audio recordings. Mr. Pearson said state law changed last month when the governor signed Senate Bill 57 allowing audio recordings on school vehicles for disciplinary or security purposes. The new law requires school districts to adopt a policy authorizing the use of audio equipment, to post warnings on buses that audio is being recorded and send parents written notices each year about the audio taping, Mr. Pearson said. He said there should be no additional costs to the district for the audio on the buses, but the district has two vans without any video or audio monitoring equipment. Adding the equipment to those vehicles would cost about a $1,000 for each vehicle, he said. Laure Cioffi, freelance writer: [email protected]

Anoka-Hennepin Makes Plans To Intensify Secondary School Security

After ramping up security at all of its elementary schools last summer, the Anoka-Hennepin School District is making plans to do the same at all secondary schools this year. The shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in December 2012 prompted the district to make schools harder targets for someone who wants to cause harm. “Our secondary schools – our high schools and middle schools – have had an advantage in the past over elementary schools,” said Chuck Holden, chief operations officer for the district, in a presentation to the school board Feb. 24. These schools share police liaison officers and boast multiple security cameras, and all of the high schools have some system for keyless entry currently in place, according to Holden. After input from local law enforcement, the district added vestibule entrances, a system that scans driver’s licenses and keyless entry points in all 24 elementary schools, two early childhood centers and a special education center in 2013. Now, staff recommends those same modifications be implemented in secondary schools this spring and summer. Anoka Middle School for the Arts and Roosevelt Middle School in Blaine are the only two schools of the district’s 11 regular secondary schools that require the construction of vestibules. In total, Holden estimates the cost of secondary security modifications will be close to one million dollars. The money will come from the existing capital budget, funds that typically finance routine replacements – windows, ceiling tiles, carpets, etc. Those replacements will be held off for […]

Tuscaloosa City Schools Looking To Replace Broken Security Cameras

the republic logo TUSCALOOSA, Alabama — Tuscaloosa city schools officials say they’re hoping to replace broken security cameras by the end of the month. Director of the district’s facilities program Jeff Johnson tells the Tuscaloosa News ( ) says about 20 percent of the district’s cameras don’t work. Johnson says some of the cameras in the system are as much as 11 years old. School board member Norman Crow says the broken cameras are a safety issue that the district can’t afford to delay fixing. Board member Marvin Lucas says the district should implement regular checks to make sure cameras in the system are functioning properly. Information from: The Tuscaloosa News, Think your friends should see this? Share it with them! All comments are moderated before posting. Your email address must be verified with Disqus in order for your comment to appear. View our commenting guidelines and FAQ’s here. Story copyright 2014 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Feedback, Corrections and Other Requests: AP welcomes feedback and comments from readers. Send an email to [email protected] and it will be forwarded to the appropriate editor or reporter.

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Art Students Request And Pay For Schlage Biometric HandKey Protection

March 06, 2014 — Hear thought leaders in cybersecurity, biometrics, biodefense, explosive detection and other security issues Security and Defense Conference; Game Changing Technologies: The Face and Future of Security Key Themes: Biometrics, Biodefense and Cybersecurity New York, NY – March 6, 2014 ( newswire) Michael Balboni, Former New York State Senator and Founder of RedLand Strategies to Open Security Conference – March 11th in New York; Mr. Lester Quintana, Senior Vice President of Cellucci Associates, Inc. to Provide Closing Remarks. When /where: Tuesday, March 11, 2014, The New York Hilton Midtown, New York City and Online This is a free event to attend for media. Brokers, investors, industry service providers. Learn more about the Conference: Register and attend free: (limited seats available so register today!) Speaker list: includes cybersecurity expert Roger Cressey and Janice Kephart Founder and CEO of The Secure Identity and Biometrics Association (SIBA) See ore at Speaker list: Presenting Companies: American Public University System (NASDAQ:APEI) – Dr. Clay Wilson is the Program Director for Cybersecurity Dr. Clay Wilson is the Program Director for Cybersecurity graduate studies at the American Public University, where he has responsibility for designing new courses. He is past Program Director for Cybersecurity Policy at the University of Maryland University College (UMUC), where he oversaw development of new graduate-level courses. Dr. Wilson is also a former analyst for national defense policy at the Congressional Research Service where he analyzed cyber intelligence reports for the U.S. Congress and […]

TN State University Requires Students to Wear IDs

Prophecy Sign:  The future global surveillance/police state Governments have become enamoured with the thought of spying on every single person in their sphere of influence.  National governments eaves drop on every form of digital communication, (even to the point of dropping in and recording video conversations ), of nearly every citizen in their respective nations.  Whereas cities and a variety of government funded organizations, (universities and schools), have decided to keep a watch on you by installing an Orwellian spy camera grid system.  Toss in the requirement of trackable ID’s, (biometric ID cards), and you have the makings of a society that will pretty much give itself over to the authority of a one world governmental system, headed by a global world leader, (Antichrist). Tenn. State University Requires Students to Wear Trackable IDs Police Pushing Access to Security Cameras Inside Public Schools It’s not enough the Austin Police Department has surveillance cameras mounted in nearly every corner of the city. Police are now pushing to gain access to security cameras inside Austin Independent School District public schools. The move comes as the department announces a sprawling surveillance rollout that hopes to add a myriad of cameras to city streets. Predictably, APD purports its efforts will make Austin schools safer. The department already has 39 HALO (High Activity Location Observation) cameras installed throughout Austin , which surreptitiously monitor in real time Austin residents’ mundane routines. But that’s not enough. Michigan Township To Put Cameras ‘In Every Neighborhood’ Officials […]

U.S. University Improves Security With Access Control Solution

Comment Comment Print Print Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Share Digg StumbleUpon Bookmark Public Safety By Kelly Ng | 21 February 2014 | Views: 616 The Academy of Art University in San Francisco USA, with over 18,000 students, has implemented a new scaleable access control platform to increase campus safety and security, reduce theft, and improve campus experience. The University needed a centralised security system that manages access to its buildings spread across the campus that house expensive equipment and high-value student work. The solution also had to support future expansion and enhancement. According to Campus Safety Director Mike Petricca, the selected access control system by HID met both their needs for security and scaleability based on an open architecture that could support multiple card technologies and future enhancements. Through a single centralised system, students use ID cards to unlock doors easily, doing away with metal keys. The system also provides the security team with reports that will help them make better decisions on security policies and operations. The simplified credential issuance and management meant that the University can automatically turn cards off and on between semesters or permanently disable identities after resignation or failure to re-enroll, thus enhancing campus security. “HID Global’s iCLASS SE platform has made our campus more safe and secure, while enabling cardholders to do more than just open doors with their ID cards, including making purchases using the university’s debit program for meals and cashless vending, and gaining access to athletic events,” said Petricca. In future, the University has the option of provisioning […]

Ready for Hybrid Access Control?

Ready for Hybrid Access Control? Today, there are three major initiatives for cards and credentials on college and healthcare campuses. Every security director needs to be aware of them. 1. Smart cards are becoming the credential of choice. If you presently use magnetic stripe or proximity cards, start planning for the switchover now. 2. It’s going to be a hybrid world. Although smart cards will be the credential of choice, multiple types of credentials such as key systems, PINs, various cards and biometrics , will still be necessary for certain operations. Adding specialized credentials to such areas is possible. And, even though you may be using multiple credentials, you still will want one system to manage all of them. 3. Get ready for new technologies such as near field communications (NFC) . With NFC-enabled smart phones, you will be able to employ your employees’/customers’ own smart phones as access credentials, just like they would use smart cards. Start preparing now. Now a smart credential, which costs about the same as a proximity card, provides a higher level of security, more convenience and far greater functionality. As used on campuses and in newer access control systems, smart credentials have the ability to manage access, payments and many other functions much more securely. For instance, MIFARE DESFire EV1 smart cards offer several layers of security, including mutual authentication. This creates the ability for the client to verify or authenticate the server. These smart credentials also provide: AES 128-bit encryption, a key […]

VIVOTEK Surveillance Cameras Enable Library Safety For Students At National Chi Nan University In Taiwan

Published on 28 February, 2014 : IP cameras decrease the possibility of disputes and provide information on the number of books returned or borrowed from the library VIVOTEK’s IP surveillance system enables staff to monitor all areas of the library effectively Upholding the security for 6,500 students and staff National Chi Nan University (NCNU), an international university located in Nantou, Taiwan, offers a scenic learning and research environment to more than 6,000 students and a faculty and staff team of over 500 people. The 21 institutes and departments at NCNU offer 29 Bachelor’s, 52 Master’s and 18 Ph.D. programs covering the fields of liberal arts, sciences, engineering, electrical engineering and computer science, education, management, and social sciences. The NCNU library, a well-equipped building with six floors, offers quiet and comfortable spaces for students and staff members to study and work between 8:00 am and 9:00 pm. As a knowledge hub, the library receives numerous students and scholars on a daily basis. The large number of readers and visitors causes tremendous pressure to the administrative team, which is responsible for ensuring a safe and convenient environment for its users. The previous security system installed in the library was an analogue CCTV system based on conventional analogue digital video recorders. In such systems, point-to-point transmission is limited between cameras and video players or recorders. Consequently, centralized image management was difficult to achieve. Additionally, the image definition yielded by analogue cameras is unsatisfactory. Therefore, NCNU management decided to replace the analogue system […]

School Security Cameras: Do Studies And Surveillance Mesh?

The answer to this continues to be the topic of heated debates. Parents and legislators are all for the installation of school security cameras even though students and teachers vehemently oppose it. Learn more on a partner wiki by clicking go here for more info . The issue is one that strikes a really powerful chord in schools everywhere, and echoes the dilemma that confront lawmakers on a national scale. Which is a lot more critical – safety or personal privacy? Why the Require for School Security Cameras?.. Do security cameras belong in schools? The answer to this continues to be the topic of heated debates. For additional information, please consider checking out: advertisers . Parents and legislators are all for the installation of school security cameras while students and teachers vehemently oppose it. The problem is a single that strikes a extremely powerful chord in schools everywhere, and echoes the dilemma that confront lawmakers on a national scale. Which is a lot more critical – safety or private privacy? Why the Require for School Security Cameras? In recent years, the school has been the setting of many tragic and violent incidents. To avoid further bloodshed, educators and legislators have united to make schools safe once much more. Some of the strategies that sprang from the collaboration contain the deployment of a full-time security officer in school buildings. Like Us On Facebook includes further about the inner workings of this hypothesis. Another is coaching students how to handle potentially […]

College Of The Holy Cross Announces Plans For Security Cameras On Campus

   Holy Cross officials have recently confirmed that a number of cameras will be installed on campus in the coming months. Although these cameras are intended to bolster security, Robert Hart, Chief Director of Public Safety, announced at a recent SGA meeting that they should not be considered “surveillance” devices. He stated that the cameras will not be used to consistently monitor students; rather, they will be utilized on a case-by-case basis when troubling incidents occur. Public safety will have access to the recordings, but they will only examine them when they feel it is warranted. The cameras will also tape over themselves after a certain span of time, so the material they capture will not be retained indefinitely. This information is sure to come as a relief to Holy Cross students, some of whom are understandably anxious about this new measure.    It should be noted that there are already some cameras on campus, including in Hogan, the computer rooms, and by a loading dock.  More importantly, students should note that cameras will not be installed in any “private” areas in the residence halls, including hallways, study rooms, or common areas. Instead, they will be placed in public access areas such as dorm entrances and near freshmen field. These high-traffic places will be monitored solely for safety reasons, particularly so suspicious individuals or concerning activity can be observed. However, as Chief Hart has consistently maintained, these cameras will not be watched constantly; they will only be referred to […]

New Cameras To Improve Clay Co. School Security

BRAZIL, Ind. – A new video surveillance system is being installed in 15 buildings in the Clay Community Schools Corp. to improve security and make it easier for school officials and police to monitor activities. The district is paying Tech Electronics of Indiana nearly $500,000 to install the high-definition security cameras and software at 10 schools and five district buildings. District director of extended services Mike Howard tells the Tribune-Star ( ) that the changes are designed to keep students and staff "as safe as possible." The cameras will be placed indoors and outdoors but not in classrooms, locker rooms or restrooms. Howard will be able to access the cameras through mobile devices or from his home computer, and police are expected to have access by this summer. ___ Information from: Tribune-Star, Copyright 2014 Scripps Media, Inc. The Associated Press contributed to this report. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.