surveillance cameras

NYC MTA Considers Security Cameras On Trains

New York City Police Commissioner Bill Bratton envisions a day when officers can monitor subway cars armed only with a tablet. “One of my officers could actually be standing on a platform waiting for that train to come in,” he told the New York Daily News, “monitoring the cameras on that subway car to see […]

CSULB?s Parking Structures Most Targeted Crime Locations On Campus

Car theft is one of the most frequently committed felonies at Cal State Long Beach, according to the university’s CLERY Report on Crime Statistics; however, parking structures are the most targeted locations on campus and have the least amount of surveillance cameras. Currently, no cameras are monitoring parking structures two or three. Coverage of parking […]

Victorville Reviving Surveillance Camera Network

The City of Victorville has indicated that it will replace it’s outdated video surveillance system. Six years after a project bringing video surveillance to crime-prone areas of the city failed before it could get off the ground, officials this week approved a critical step to revive the public safety initiative. Called Victorville Safe City when […]

Chicago Police Capture And Convict Robber Using Facial Recognition

For the first time, Chicago police used a facial recognition program to identify, capture, and convict a robbery suspect. In May, Pierre D. Martin, 35, was convicted in a bench trail for a robbery he committed in February of last year. He received a 22 year sentence this month. “This case is a great example […]

Power Outages Hamper Pakistan Surveillance Cameras Work

Karachi, Pakistan: After spending more than a billion rupees on video surveillance of the city, the Sindh police are finding it hard to operate some 800 cameras round the clock amid frequent power outages with the result that sometimes footage of high-profile attacks remains unavailable to them. Sources said the police had asked K-Electric (KE) […]

Philly SEPTA’s $11Million Savings Contributed To Surveillance Cameras

The 17,659 surveillance cameras that Philadephia, PA’s SEPTA has in its vehicles and stations have contributed to a significant decrease in the amount of money SEPTA spends on injury and damages claims and in a climate where every dollar counts, that savings is especially significant. Between fiscal years 2012 and 2013, the payout SEPTA made […]

Sacramento County Sheriff Creates Voluntary Registry For Surveillance Camera Footage

Sacramento County authorities are asking residents and business owners to provide video-surveillance footage to law enforcement investigators. Officials are encouraging property owners with surveillance cameras to sign up for the Sheriff’s Electronic Eye program, the Sacramento Bee reported. The new voluntary registry would alert law enforcement agencies when there are any privately owned surveillance cameras […]

Boston Officials Will Utilize Additional Security Cameras At Boston Marathon

Security Cameras are being utilized as a strong force against terrorism. The Security Product Depot’s research confirms the increase in security cameras prevents illegal acts, identifies the criminal and provides solid evidence for a conviction. City officials and the Boston police are finalizing their plans to beef up security efforts at the 2014 Boston Marathon […]

Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful Donates Surveillance Cameras To City Of Pittsburgh

Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful said they have donated high-tech surveillance cameras to the City of Pittsburgh to support enhanced enforcement efforts surrounding the act of illegal dumping within the City limits. The high quality, motion activated, covert security cameras provide instant wireless transmission of site activity, photo documentation of license plates at speeds of up to […]

Judge Weighing N.C. Prisoner Hand-Held Video Camera Requirement

North Carolina state attorneys asked a federal judge Friday not to require Central Prison staffers to use a hand-held video camera to record how some prisoners subdued by guards are returned to their cells, saying it could be expensive and too burdensome. The recommendation to use the cameras was among five suggested in January by […]

Surveillance Cameras To Be Installed In Kirkuk, Iraq

Preparations have been made in Kirkuk to install security cameras in the downtown area, at the entrances of the city and all the checkpoints. The security committee of Kirkuk announced in a press conference at the Kirkuk directorate of police the first phase of the surveillance camera project. The cameras have arrived and they will […]

Sentry360 Announces The Largest 360-degree Camera Deployment In Mass Transit History

) Sentry360, a USA-based manufacturer of advanced Ultra-HD surveillance cameras and systems, announced today the successful deployment of the largest 360-degree surveillance camera system in mass transit history. The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) operates the nation’s second largest public transportation system, servicing the city of Chicago and 35 surrounding suburbs. On an average weekday, approximately […]

VIVOTEK Surveillance Cameras Enable Library Safety For Students At National Chi Nan University In Taiwan

Published on 28 February, 2014 : IP cameras decrease the possibility of disputes and provide information on the number of books returned or borrowed from the library VIVOTEK’s IP surveillance system enables staff to monitor all areas of the library effectively Upholding the security for 6,500 students and staff National Chi Nan University (NCNU), an international university located in Nantou, Taiwan, offers a scenic learning and research environment to more than 6,000 students and a faculty and staff team of over 500 people. The 21 institutes and departments at NCNU offer 29 Bachelor’s, 52 Master’s and 18 Ph.D. programs covering the fields of liberal arts, sciences, engineering, electrical engineering and computer science, education, management, and social sciences. The NCNU library, a well-equipped building with six floors, offers quiet and comfortable spaces for students and staff members to study and work between 8:00 am and 9:00 pm. As a knowledge hub, the library receives numerous students and scholars on a daily basis. The large number of readers and visitors causes tremendous pressure to the administrative team, which is responsible for ensuring a safe and convenient environment for its users. The previous security system installed in the library was an analogue CCTV system based on conventional analogue digital video recorders. In such systems, point-to-point transmission is limited between cameras and video players or recorders. Consequently, centralized image management was difficult to achieve. Additionally, the image definition yielded by analogue cameras is unsatisfactory. Therefore, NCNU management decided to replace the analogue system […]

Boulder Police Secretly Install Surveillance Cameras On Municipal Campus Between City Hall, Library

BOULDER, Colo. – Some Boulder residents are questioning their police department’s decision to install surveillance cameras in the park area between city hall and the public library, without letting the public know. The city quietly placed two cameras on the municipal building and one on the library in early January. When asked about the secrecy, Boulder Police Department spokeswoman Kim Kobel said, "The reason those cameras were installed is because we have an ongoing criminal investigation in the area." Kobel gave few details about the investigation, but did say police have received numerous complaints about criminal behavior, including assault, threatening behavior, urinating in public and drug dealing. "In some cases, we have drug dealing to high school students," she said. The cameras have touched a raw nerve with some residents, especially those who hang out in the public space. "They’re violating our rights and our freedom," said Bailey Flood. When asked if it would have made a difference if the city had been upfront about the cameras, Flood replied, "No, it’s an invasion of privacy." Not everyone looks at it that way. "They’re fine," said Jeff Swann, who admits that he drinks regularly while sitting on a park bench in front of City Hall. "Cameras are a part of life."   Swann says he’s observed a lot of criminal behavior in the park. "There was a big fight here two or three days ago," he said. "It was a real live brawl. It lasted five minutes. Both guys were […]

Fayetteville NC Police Urge Businesses To Use Video Surveillance

FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. – As a way to catch criminals and deter crime, the Fayetteville Police Department is working to improve surveillance cameras at businesses. Kari Ellis, the department’s specialist in video, is spreading the word about an initiative called "Video Done Right." On Thursday she presented information about the initiative to a group of business owners and managers who were interested in installing or improving surveillance systems. Ellis started the program to give businesses the "dos and don’ts" of setting up surveillance systems. It covers what cameras to use, where to place them and the settings that capture the best pictures. Ellis, or other crime prevention specialists with the same training, will even examine the current setup at a business and provide feedback. Ellis said she was inspired to start the program because she often needed to examine video at a place where a crime had occurred, but many times the video was poor quality because for any number of reasons. She said poor video isn’t very helpful, but good video makes a big difference for police. "When you put that evidence in front of a jury, what can they say? That’s you. A lot of times their mother will identify them. Their friends will rat them out. So yeah, video is really integral in solving crime," Ellis said. Ellis said the Shaniya Davis kidnapping and murder case is a prime example of how good surveillance is helpful. She wishes every business would have a system as good as […]

Video Surveillance Cameras: The Good, The Bad, And The Hype – Lessons From Boston

We hear it again and again. Video surveillance cameras can accomplish what humans can’t. There’s simply no way, we are told, in a situation like the Boston Marathon bombing, with all the thousands of people in attendance, to be able to track suspects without video footage of the scene. To try to rely merely on eyewitnesses in that case is just too difficult, if not impossible, a real case of sensory overload. The problem is that it’s not entirely true. Law enforcement, through video surveillance footage, clearly narrowed down who the suspects were. However, part of the reason they could identify them was because one of the injured, a man who lost both legs to the bomb, clearly identified an individual putting down a bag just before the blast. With the help of a sketch artist and subsequent video footage, a suspect was clearly identified. Instead of being able to plan another attack, the two brothers were suddenly on the run, and in a matter of couple of days one was dead, another captured.  However, it was the combination of human intelligence and video surveillance technology that made this possible, not exclusively one or the other. After this terrible tragedy, some have asked, “But does this now mean that cameras will now be everywhere? What about privacy?” It’s hard to believe that in the year 2013 that question is still being asked. The reality is: cameras more and more are everywhere. Try to walk through any major metropolitan area […]

U.S. Marines To Install Security Cameras Worldwide In Bachelor Barracks

Already Public Affairs Officers at Marine bases are trying to put the “best-face-forward” on the announcement this week that security cameras will be installed worldwide in housing complexes for unmarried Marines. The initiative was announced in September as an overall effort to “tighten Marines’ discipline in garrison”. The surveillance cameras will supplement the routine Health-and-Comfort inspections that are a way for commanding officers and leaders to assess living spaces and ensure their Marines and sailors are free of safety hazards, including rowdy Marines, and contraband, including illegal drugs. The cost of outfitting over 550 barracks facilities, worldwide, with security cameras could be pricey with estimates coming in at more than $5 million. In March of this year, Public Affairs Officer Capt. Binford Strickland of the U.S.M.C. made this comment regarding a surprise inspection at Camp Lejeune that netted some 81 violations by junior Marines on base: Deterrent measures are necessary to support prevention programs and enhance personal and mission readiness, according to the Marine Corps Substance Abuse Program, MCO 5300.17. All commanders will use specific measures according to the order to deter substance abuse to include, but not limited to gate checks, announced and unannounced health and comfort inspections of billeting areas and work spaces, and random urinalysis. So now, the 24/7 barracks surveillance cameras, if implemented. will add another layer of security and should add some “peace and quiet” for those Marines who are playing things straight-up. The National Military Examiner publishes military-related/ law enforcement content on this […]

Mayor?s Proposal Would Add 3.7 Miles Of Surveillance Cameras In Evanston IL

Cameras would stretch along the entire length of Dodge Avenue and most of Church Street, in order to provide a safe route for kids to walk to school, according to the mayor. A map shows the location of the proposed surveillance cameras. Evanston Mayor Elizabeth Tisdahl is recommending that the city add a total of 3.7 miles of surveillance cameras along Church Street and Dodge Avenue. After a resolution to create a “safe school zone” and extend policing powers around Evanston Township High School failed to pass city council , Tisdahl’s proposal is designed to provide an alternative measure to enhance safety for children walking to and from the high school.  Speaking before city council members Monday, Tisdahl said that students would have fights on school grounds or across the street if they wanted it to be stopped, but if they didn’t want police or school security officers to step in, they would move the fight a few blocks from the high school.  To stay up to date on this and other Evanston news,  sign up for our free newsletter , like  us on Facebook  and  follow us on Twitter . “I certainly think we owe our students a safe route in and out of high school,” she said.  Under the mayor’s proposal, police would add surveillance cameras along the entire 2.5-mile stretch of Dodge Avenue from Simpson to Howard streets, and along a 1.2-mile stretch of Church Street from city limits at McCormick Boulevard to Ridge Avenue. Cameras […]

Michigan Bill Would Mandate Night Safety Measures Including Security Cameras

Jessia Heeringa was abducted from the gas station where she worked on April 26, 2013. There were no surveillance cameras. (file photos) LANSING, Mich. (WOOD) – It has been more than seven months since Jessica Heeringa was abducted from her job, and now a Michigan representative is making a push to prevent similar incidents. Monday, Rep. Collene Lamonte (D-Montague) will introduce a bill to require gas stations that stay open past 11 p.m. to either have two employees working or install security cameras. Surveillance video is one key thing missing from the night of April 26 when Heeringa, a 25-year-old mother, disappeared from the Sternberg Road Exxon Mobil gas station in Norton Shores near the end of her shift. There were no surveillance cameras at the gas station. The case prompted Rep. Lamonte to start drafting on the bill. “This tragic event did highlight an issue that I think needs to be addressed and I want to make sure that our late-night employees are protected,” Lamonte told 24 Hour News 8 in May. Lamonte will join 24 Hour News 8 live Monday morning on Daybreak to discuss the bill. In July, Heeringa’s 26th birthday passed and she remained missing. Norton Shores detectives continue to investigate Heeringa’s case, but said six months after the abduction that solid tips have become few and far between. The reward for information leading to Heeringa stands at more than $15,000. Anyone with information about Heeringa’s disappearance or who saw anything out of the ordinary […]

Hopatcong SC School Security Improvements Underway, Superintendent Says

New video and camera surveillance systems are in place to keep students and staff safe. Hopatcong Borough Schools Administration Building in file photo Hopatcong Borough Schools has undertaken an aggressive review of current operational practices with an eye toward improving building security—and improvements are already underway and ongoing, according to a school district statement. The district’s goal, according to Superintendent of Schools Cynthia Randina, is to ensure greater scrutiny of all visitors, staffers and students entering and exiting Hopatcong school buildings.  Several changes to the district’s security system are in place or in progress: Surveillance cameras are being placed in locations not adequately monitored. An access control system is being installed that automatically opens and locks doors on a schedule. It requires the use of access swipe cards by staff members. When a locked door is opened by an unauthorized person, the system registers as an alarm event on surveillance video. Wireless cameras are being planned to monitor the major athletic fields. All main school entrances will be modified to include real-time camera surveillance with intercoms and electronic buzzer entry systems. Randina said security planning will continue to be modified as needed based on suggestions from trained police officers as well as school security personnel.